Sunday, 5 April 2009
The Best Relationship Advice I Ever Got
Appearing Attractive To The Female Gender
Women who meet a man under the pretense that he is wealthy tend to have a higher chance of responding well to the question of dating. This holds true for men who meet wealthy women as well- since wealth means that you hold a certain amount of power in society. It also almost guarantees that dates won't be boring and that fun times may be had.
One of the first few things that a woman will notice is how you smell. Those who smell quite well will find themselves farther along that those who haven't worn cologne. Certain types of cologne have been shown to help increase one's chances- generally the more expensive the better. Be certain not to wear too much or you will ruin your efforts. If she calls attention to your good smell, always reply politely and change the subject.
There is nothing worse than a boring date- you won't need and help figuring that out. But you should always have things to bring up in conversation either about yourself, your own experiences, or your date that you can talk about. Keeping a busy talking environment will show that woman that you have a fun personality type, and that a second date would be a good idea.
Women typically like a guy who is somewhat mysterious. This means you shouldn't spill all the details about you and your life on the first date. Instead, ask the woman questions and let her talk. It is a common fact that we all love to talk about ourselves- so it certainly will let the woman enjoy herself while you formulate new topics of discussion and fun. Don't be afraid to talk- just don't steal the show.
If you show signs of being dependent upon the woman, chances are she won't be too inclined to ask for a second date. Do try to talk about your friends and family life, your responsibilities, and things you like to do for fun. In doing so, you are showing to the woman that you won't always be available- which is actually a very good thing for budding relationships.
Closing Comments
Don't view dating as a win or lose scenario, but rather a fun hobby that will eventually lead to having a proper woman friend as a date or possibly more in the future. Do continue talking to your normal friends and carrying on your normal life even with a woman by your side; the process isn't something to ignore your life over.
Christians Cheat Too
As many as 22% of women are cheated on by their loving boyfriends or husbands. That is a pretty high number. On the contrary, only about 12% of women cheat on their men. Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back ladies, you deserve it. Most of you are faithful Christian women.
Many fellow Christians have the feeling that they will not have thee problems that their non-Christian counterparts will have. This could not be further from the truth. Being in a Christian relationship can make things more complicated if anything. Being a modern Christian you have choices and you can decide how to live your life.
So how do you find out if your boyfriend is a liar and cheat? There are many ways, and we are going to discuss them here. The best place to start is with yourself. How do you feel about this guy, are you in love with him? If you are having problems even understanding your feelings for him, there may be a problem, and a big one at that. Statistics show us that most (not all of course) of the time if you feel your boyfriend is cheating, then he most likely is. Sometimes we have to listen to our gut feeling. After you get in touch with your own feelings and you want to continue the relationship, then you need to find out if he is really cheating or not.
There are a series of questions that you need to ask yourself when confronted with this problem, if you really want to find out the truth of whether he is cheating or not. If you answer yes to any of them, you may have a problem that needs to be looked into further. Has he started to work out a lot when he used to not care? This does not necessarily mean a shift of attention from you, maybe he is just wanting to look and feel good, so you need to be careful how you answer this question. you need to put it in context. He is spiritually and emotionally distant. Did he used to go to church with you every Sunday but now tries to find excuses not to? All of these are important signs to look for.
So now you are convinced that you have a cheating boyfriend, what do you do now? The first thing you need to do is get on your knees and pray about it. You really need to start praying about the situation before it gets worse. Confront him with your feelings, and realize that if God wants you in the relationship it will work out, if not, God has other plans and paths for you life. Keep your head up, everything is in God's will and it shall be done.
Attracting A Woman
We're not all so lucky to have genes like a male model. Most are average or below average in the looks category. And even the good looking guys can have trouble attracting women!
So what does that mean for all of us who want to get a woman all hot-and-bothered? Well, the logical conclusion is this:
Attraction cannot depend on what you look like!
Obsessing over your looks (or lack of them) is a sure-fire way to take yourself out of the attraction game before things have even gotten started. Understand that you need to take care of yourself and tailor your appearance as well as you possibly can. But short of extensive and painful plastic surgery, you can't change what you look like.
So if you can't change it - deal with it!
Luckily, there's more to attraction than just your physical features. Accept that you look like the way you are, and deal with the things you CAN change, and actually have control over.
See, the "attraction equation" is more than just about being a good looking guy. It's about your attitude, your intellect, and your social skills and status.
1. Attitude Is Everything
Having the right attitude is essential to generating attraction. Confidence is key, here. Being secure in who you are and what you're after is a great way to show people that you're someone they will want to meet and hang out with.
And with the right attitude, your body language and non-verbal communication will naturally broadcast to those around you that you are an attractive person.
2. Try having intelligent conversations
It's a given that attraction is rooted in conversation. Your words will allow a woman to move towards the type of emotions you want, and will allow you to captivate her.
You can do this two ways. The first is to ask questions, and show interest in her replies. The second is to tell stories.
Stories are the best way to make people experience emotion. Everyone loves stories, and if you have good ones to tell, people will love talking to you.
3. Master Your Social Skills
Being attractive is about interacting with people in the right way. You need to be fun, entertaining, and a good conversationalist.
You also have to know what's appropriate in certain social situations. Being loud and boisterous at a fancy dinner party may not be a good thing to do. Always be aware of the environment you're in and act accordingly.
Be laid back, and try not to take things too seriously. Getting insulted or frustrated when things aren't going as you planned is a sure fire way to alienate the people you're trying to attract. Allow yourself room to mess up if necessary, and keep from being insulting or rude.
But most of all - have fun! The best way to be social and attract people to you is to have a good time. People love having a good time! In fact, they will seek you out if you can be the source of their fun.
4. Cultivate A High Social Status
More than anything else, having a high social status will attract more people to you than you know what to do with. And social status doesn't have to have anything to do with how much money you make or how good looking you are. In fact, social status can be completely manufactured!
By being the life of the party, or dominating the conversation, you can show people you're someone who demands attention. By being funny or witty, intelligent, commanding, and confident, people will naturally defer to you.
If you can pull this off, you'll be able to parlay it into a position of authority amongst your peers. And over time, people will see this happening consistently, and your social status will grow higher.
When you combine these four factors, you can powerfully attract any woman you choose. (And the best part is - none of it depends on your looks!)
Getting Past Your Looks And Creating Attraction
It's an insecurity that comes in all sorts of masks. Some examples:
Some guys think they're too old.
Some think they're too fat.
Some think they're too short.
Some think they're too ugly.
Because of this, these men feel they are helpless when it comes to getting the kind of woman they desire.
But lucky for all of us - this simply isn't the case.
I want to take a moment and dispell a few attraction myths that hold men back from achieving success in their love life.
Myth #1 - You have to be good looking to get women.
All you have to do is look around at the various types of guys in this world who are dating gorgeous women to know that this isn't the case.
Here's one of my rules of thumb: It's important to look good. It's NOT important to be good looking!
What's the difference?
You can't make yourself good looking- that's genetics (though some plastic surgeons might argue this.) You DO have utter control how you present yourself. Your clothing, grooming, haircut, body odor, etc..
All these appearance factors contribute to "looking good."
Even the most average looking guy can be attractive when he takes control of his appearance.
Myth #2 - Women Think Like Men Do
It's natural to assume that everyone else in the world sees things the same way you see them.
For instance - If you've ever had a pimple on your forehead that felt so big, it was like everyone could see it. But the pimple was under the skin, and in reality, no one but you could tell it was there.
To you, it was clear as day. To everyone else, it was hardly noticable.
When it comes to appraising other people, this methodology is typically applied. You judge a woman based on how she looks, right? You're able to size a woman up visually and determine whether or not you find her attractive, correct?
So naturally, you assume women are going to size you up the same exact way.
Women have different criteria for determining attraction than men do. That's not to say they don't care if a man is attractive or not. But they don't place as much importance on physical characteristics as us guys do.
Women base their attraction on a broader range of things. How a man makes her feel is of utmost importance. Confidence, and social status in turn, are huge attractors. So is a man who can make her laugh. They are enthralled by a man who is good at what he does. And NONE of that has to do with looks!
You Can Get Your Girlfriend Back Even if She Refuses to See You
Let her acknowledge you are available
You've probably discovered the advice that if you require to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, the readiest way is to make her envious by making her believe you're going out with other girls. Well, the problem is this can easily boomerang on you.
Even if she was getting to miss you, if she finds out you've commenced dating, she'll assume you no longer have feelings for her. So, be sure your common friends know you are yet single.
Better yourself
Of course, being available doesn't signify staying home waiting by the phone all day. Alternatively to expending your vitality looking for a fresh girlfriend, place it in self-improvement. Particularly if you lived in a long-term relationship, you will be better off making some time to yourself to do something that will better your self-assurance as individual, whether it's learning a new skill or just spending more time practicing what you love. Your ex will see you can dwell without her and respect you all the more for it.
Write a love letter
Not a telephone call, not an email, not an Instant Message -an actual handwritten letter. It may represent an old fashioned method for how to get your ex girlfriend back, but it works because there are very few women who will not read a handwritten note. That means you will at least find a chance to explain what you're feeling.
While it's best to put it all in your own words, if you truly feel like you don't know what to articulate, get a female acquaintance to service you or sneak a few ideas (ideas, not complete sentences) from samples online. Remember, the face of the missive is virtually as important as the words. Write your letter on fancy stationary, stick it in a matching envelope, seal it with true sealing wax and send it off.
Keep it light hearted
When you do get a chance to talk to her again, keep the mood upbeat. Don't begin apologizing for everything you ever did improperly, imploring her to meet with you, or debating over what stimulated the separation. After all, would you look ahead to meeting a person who's obviously an emotional wreck?
Instead, hand her an indication that seeing you again will be entertaining and won't demand any bickering or fawning. If at all possible, make her laugh. You'll get her to permit her guard down and take out the "bad taste" left after the breakup.
If you really want to recognize how to get your ex girlfriend back even when she will not return your telephone calls, remain assured that it can be done. Make use of common friends to let her know you're available but not wasting away from sorrow, then mail her a missive to have contact once again. Beyond that, be heedful where get advice on how to get your girlfriend back because some ideas can really boomerang on you.
Creation Of Attraction & The Myth Of Looks
Myth 1 - Women Hone In On Our Flaws
Understand that we know ourselves better than anyone else ever will. We are able to pick out every single flaw there is about ourselves - our big ears, big nose, weak chin, receeding hairline...
No matter what it is, we see it!
And because we see it, we assume everyone else does too. But the fact is, most people aren't very observant, and unless they specifically look for something to criticize you about, they're not going to care about your insecurities, whatever they may be.
A lot of guys try and dismiss their insecurities by calling attention to it, as if to try and "diffuse" whatever it is they feel is ugly about them. But all this does is draw the woman's attention to this insecurity, and only at that point do people notice it.
And insecurity is always UNattractive.
It's important, in every situation, that you always focus on the good stuff about you, instead of your shortcomings, and have the positives outshine the negatives.
Myth 2- Good Looking Guys Have It Easy
This is probably the biggest myth there is - that if a guy is good looking, girls will automatically flock to him.
A very handsome man is going to have issues whether or not he's handsome, and sometimes he'll have a whole different set than you or I. He might have an easier time getting in the door, but in the end he'll have the same problems that most do.
Attraction is all about creating, and amplifying, certain emotions in women, and then having those specific emotions "attached" to you, so you'll be the source of them for her.
If a man matches a woman's physical type, she'll gravitate to him because those features make her feel good. But if the guy is boring, or a jerk, or just not compatible, those feelings will go away.
However, if you take a guy that the woman maybe isn't initially physically attracted to, and then have him make her experience feelings of fun, excitement, and pleasure - she WILL become attracted to him eventually.
This is the fundamental concept of attraction - when you make other people feel good, they will want to be around you.
You don't have to be a good guy to make women feel good! You just need to know how to interact with them.
But the second aspect to this equation is physical attraction.
This is where, in addition to making people feel good, you also turn them on.
Seduction is the next step here.
When you begin to lead a woman down the path of attraction, even if you don't look like Brad Pitt, she's going to begin to see you in a whole new light - despite any of the shortcomings you may think you have.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Getting An Ex Boyfriend Back
Will these depressed feelings that you're having help you get your ex boyfriend back? You have to deal with yourself first, otherwise you'll get nowhere.
Before you can reconnect with him, you need to reconnect with yourself, or you won't get anywhere. Remember the woman that you used to be, when you started dating him, and when he fell for you.
Are you any different now, than you were back then? If so, how? Be truthful with yourself. There is no right or wrong answer. The whole point is to remember who that woman was the first time you two met.
If you're finding it difficult just doing that, then you need some time to regroup and heal. Go see a movie or go out with your friends.
Make sure to do something that helps you relax and escape the negative emotions that you're feeling. When you're relaxed and in control, then you'll be able to begin the process of reconnecting.
You probably feel down in the dumps right now, but don't purposely avoid things that might make you happy. Pamper yourself. Buy a new outfit. Even if you feel crummy, you deserve a little good treatment.
Once you've had time to get an objective point of view on the relationship, you can get to work getting your ex boyfriend back. You want to be a poised, articulate woman when you speak to him again, not an emotional wreck.
How You Move: The Body Language Of Flirting
So we need to make sure that doesn't happen to you. Let's take a look at some parts of the equation of flirting here.
Generally, flirting starts with eye contact.
So say you look at a girl, and she looks directly back at you. Wow, that can be uncomfortable huh? That depends entirely on you and how you feel about yourself.
If you feel good about yourself, then this is exhilarating. If that's not the case, it can be really scary.
Let's just say you are comfortable with yourself. The rush happens, and she holds the gaze a bit too long. This generally is a good sign.
If she doesn't meet your gaze, then it probably means she's not interested. Or, it could mean she's very shy or insecure in her surroundings. Many people are intimidated by large clubs. She might be.
Watch her. Is she refusing to make eye contact with others around her? If so it could be one of the issues stated above.
Moving on, let's see what the eye contact says. Does she break eye contact, then look again? That's a good sign, but it doesn't mean rush up to her immediately.
If she smiles, it's a VERY good sign!
Before you rush in and start looking for the signs, take some time to learn this process. Often, we'll have the wrong of it when starting something new, as we have an idea of how these situations work, but don't really know them. Take the time to learn about this.
Sometimes, you'll get a full on stare and smile, but when you arrive, you'll get a cold response. This is NOT your fault, so don't think you did something wrong.
What happened there? I can't say, but I can make an educated guess based on the surroundings. Sometimes women are incorrigible flirts who are actually in a relationship. They just like the thrill of flirting, and their men don't mind. And so on and so forth.
Take a positive position with what you did. That's the key to success throughout the flirting stage.
Once you reach the flirtee, you should initiate the conversation. You know she's at least interested in speaking to you, so don't worry about "blowing it". That will only lead to a self fulfilling prophecy.
After the introduction, when you start to speak, there is an interaction between you and her that is natural, and is accepted almost universally. Once you begin speaking, eye contact will be broken by the speaker, looking back when it feels natural. Overall, when you are speaking, you'll be looking at her half the time, give or take. Keep it short, as this is bantering, and gaze at her when you are done speaking. That's the cue for her to talk.
At that point, she'll more than likely respond the same way. Now, when she is speaking, glance at her more than you were while talking. This shows you are interested in what she is saying. Make the looks brief, but you should be looking at her about two thirds of the time while she's talking.
This takes practice, but in time, you'll hone down this skill to a sharp edge, and have a whole different outlook on flirting!
Traits In A Man That Attract Women
Let's just put aside for the moment what women say they desire in a man. Instead, we will simply observe the kinds of choices that they actually make. The contrast between what they say they want and their actions reveal a lot.
There are women who say they want a man who listens to them and values their opinions. But then go out with guys that control the conversation. Some women say they would like a sensitive and gentle man. But they'll date a guy who's got a lot of money or has a large muscular physique.
Why all the discrepancies between what they tell us and who they choose? This paradox can be understood if you understand the true nature of attraction and how it was built into us by evolution.
First, understand that attraction isn't something that you can write down as kind of wish list. Women as well as men have little control over the 'chemistry' of attraction. This 'chemistry' is an instinctual drive placed in us by evolution in order to propagate our species.
Men are interested in women that are healthy and fertile. This is the reason why women who are youthful with curves of a certain proportion are considered attractive by most men. Youth and a shapely body are the signs of high fertility. Some guys might say that they're more interested in other qualities, but they're still driven by instinctual urges toward fertile women.
When it comes to the chemistry of sexual attraction, women too are governed by some very basic instincts. Women are naturally drawn to men who can be a good provider for her children. Therefore they are drawn to fit and vigorous men who have a high status. A fit man with high status will be better able to provide for the needs of her children.
Men of high status are the leaders who are confident and take charge. They're the alpha males or the 'real men' that women refer to. That's why big muscles and wealth or power are more attractive than being nice or being a good listener.
When all of humanity where hunter/gatherers, being a good listener or being nice to our women was irrelevant to survival. What truly mattered more than all else was having the vigor and backbone to bring home the bacon. Only these qualities made it possible for a man to be a good provider.
Now it's easy to understand why women aren't drawn to nice guys. Or guys that lack confidence and are unable to take charge. These are not sexy qualities for a man to have.
Today, having big muscles isn't all that necessary if you project strength and vigor in other ways. This can be done by the clothing that you choose to wear, how you carry yourself and your physical fitness. Strength is also conveyed in the way that you behave around people. A wuss is not appealing.
Many would say that the qualities of attraction are superficial. And in a way, that is right. But keep in mind that sexual attraction is also superficial. It's very old, primitive, and very basic in nature. It's a potent force that drives us all and has maintained the propagation of our species.
While women are drawn by the qualities described here, they don't help at building long term relationships. But that's another subject. Before a relationship is possible though, you'll need to know how to attract her first.
A Romantic Evening is Easy To Plan In Your Home
You want to start by adding candles everywhere you can set them. Try placing a few candles on the table where you will share your meal. Candles for the table should not be scented otherwise they will distract from the meal. For the rest of your home try placing candles everywhere in the room; fireplace, table, floor. There is no limit to how many candles you can have burning. The soft flicker of a candle can be very relaxing and enjoyable.
You can also use the candles to help decorate your home. Do a quick search on the internet to find the right candles for your home. You will find it hard to choose which ones to purchase for your home. Pick the room that you wish to stay in the most during your romantic evening. Set a theme or color that you want to highlight the most using candles.
Add an area rug in front of your fireplace and let that be your focal point for the evening. You can lay out an area rug of your choice and place candles all around making it a warm romantic evening by the fire on a cold night outdoors.
If you do not have a fireplace in your home you can make the television your focal point. Place an area rug in front of your television and turn the couch to face the television. Sit in the floor with your back to the couch and enjoy a nice romantic movie by candlelight on the area rug.
When it comes to romance, nothing sets the mood like a romantic scent. You can choose a scented candle or incense burner to fragrance your room and turn it into a romantic room. Scents can calm, soothe, inspire, and enhance the feel of a room.
These few tips are sure to help you make your home much more conducive to a romantic evening with a special someone. They do not require much effort nor will they take up too much time. However, the impact they can have is tremendous and as you are likely to soon find out; they are so worth it.
Monday, 16 March 2009
13 First-date Keys Tactics that will leave her glowing at the end of the night
- It's OK to suggest a drink instead of dinner for a first date. She dreads a potentially boring, four-course ordeal, too!
- Always call her by early evening on Tuesday to confirm a Wednesday get-together -- it's the polite thing to do and it lets her know you're already thinking about her.
- Be sure to leave both your home and work phone numbers. If you don't leave your home number, she might assume you have a wife or girlfriend. If you don't leave any number, she'll wonder what game you're playing.
- If you want to keep the plans a surprise, at least clue her in as to what to wear. You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating in high heels on a sunset beach walk.
- Always listen to what she has to say, and make sure you wait until she's done talking before responding.
- Don't assume that just because you're out with a beautiful woman, she knows how pretty she looks -- she wants to hear it from you. Don't go overboard, though, or she might think you're insincere.
- Men judge women according to whether they can picture having sex with them; women judge men by whether they can imagine kissing them. White teeth, fresh breath, great shoes, cell phone turned off, and unchapped lips make her more apt to lock lips with you that night.
- Do not ask her, "So, what kind of music do you like?" The last 10 guys asked that. Be original and instead fill your iPod with a great mix of music that expresses your style.
- Tip well. Believe me, she'll be watching.
- Reading body language is simple: If she touches your arm, she's interested. If she touches your leg, she's interested tonight. If she leans away from you the whole night, she is not interested at all.
- Very small gestures go a long way and show her you're a gentleman. When you drop her off at her house, be sure to wait the extra 30 seconds while she gets inside (and next time you might be going in with her!).
- Women need momentum. Without it, they lose interest or wonder if you have lost it, too. Follow up with a phone call the next night. Even more important, ask her out at the end of the date. Don't play games or wait.
- Never look at another woman when you are on a date. If she catches your wandering eye, you are done.
How to Attract Better Guys
Fatal Online Dating Errors That Single Women Make
Before we wrote the profile, I asked her to send me her four best pictures.
I asked her to do this because men are as visual as Scooby Doo on steroids. The first thing they do when they see your profile online is NOT read about your trip to Italy last summer. They want to see how hot you are. Keep in mind that every man has different taste in women. What I find attractive, my friend may not find attractive at all.
So I explained this to my client, and I asked her to send me her four best photos -- pictures that represent who she is in her life. What she sent me is mistake #1 of the biggest mistakes women make online.
Here are the 14 biggest online dating mistakes women make:
1. Stop posting four different photos from four different stages in your life. This leaves a man wondering, "Who is this person?" I've looked through thousands of online profiles, and the majority of women will put up pictures from different stages of their life but not put up current pictures. All photos that you post on an online dating profile MUST BE CURRENT!!! He's going to find out what you look like when you meet, and there is no reason to lie about your looks.
2. Don't list your dislikes about Internet dating in bold, capital letters at the beginning of your profile. We've all had negative experiences online. Emphasize your positive points, not your negative ones.
3. List your exact body type. It seems like on the Internet EVERYBODY is "athletic and toned," "petite" or "fit and trim."
“He will find out what you look like!”
He will find out what you look like! You might as well tell the truth in your profile, so you'll have a qualified lead and not waste somebody's time.
4. List your real age. In the world of Internet dating, it seems like there's an abundance of 29- and 39-year-old women. "29" usually means somewhere in your 30's. And a woman who is "39" is usually in her 40's. Why start a potential relationship on a lie? Men are guilty of the same thing, and I advise them the same way.
5. I'm really glad you had a great time on your vacation, but you don't need to post 10 photos of your trip to Italy WITHOUT you in them. This is a dating site, not a trip advisor. Also, stop posting pictures of you skydiving, winter skiing, waterskiing, or doing anything else where we can't see what you look like in the picture.
6. Keep your profile short and to the point. Make your paragraphs very short. I've seen too many women's profiles that look like romance novels. Take a look at Yahoo! Sports and read an article in the sports section.
“All paragraphs are short so men can digest that information in short bursts.”
All paragraphs are short so men can digest that information in short bursts.
7. Don't be so self-absorbed. I've seen many women's profiles that say, "I want a man to be this," "I want a man to do that," "I want a man to cherish me," "I want a man to adore me"... You list all your "I wants" without listing what YOU will bring to the relationship. So you end up looking like you're a taker and not a giver. No man wants to be with a taker; he wants to be with someone who's equally willing to give and to receive.
8. Don't list your financial desires like you're posting a want ad. I've seen too many women write, "I'm looking for a man who will spoil me, buy me great things, and take me on great trips." You come across as a gold digger. Instead say, "I like the finer things in life to share with somebody," so you don't come across so harsh.
9. No baby talk! Even if the number one priority in your life is to be a mother, nothing scares a man off more than if you write in your profile about how badly you want kids. He may feel the same way, but he is going to think, "This woman will marry anybody to have kids." Write something a little more toned down like, "Families are important to me, and I can't wait to meet my special man so I can start a family." This shows you're selective and not just looking for someone with whom to make a kid.
10. Stop listing all your rules. Don't write things like "A perfect first date MUST be dinner" or "The man I date HAS to wear suits." Women tend to list rules in their profiles. Be open to a different kind of first date, or the kind of guy who wears jeans to work.
11. Stop sending winks. When is the last time you went to the supermarket, saw a cute guy and winked at him? Winks went out of style when "Happy Days" went off the air. You don't like it when men send you a wink. You think it makes him seem lazy and like he didn't read your profile. We think the same thing! So stop winking and start typing.
12. If you write to a man and he doesn't write you back, don't write a nasty follow-up email and ask him why he didn't write you back. If a man doesn't respond to you, it's the same thing as when you don't write a man back. It means that he is not interested. Don't get angry, just find another person.
13. We know you're looking at us, because we see that you've viewed our profile every day. Say "hello!" We're not going to bite. Lob that email in.
“Take a chance and send an email to the guy to whom you're most attracted.”
Take a chance and send an email to the guy to whom you're most attracted. You never know what might happen!
14. If a guy who you're interested in writes to you, stop playing games and write him back right away. Don't make him wait four days. He may find someone else in the time you wait to write him back. Keep the momentum going!
I have found when online dating that if you're honest about who you are, and you get back to people immediately, you'll get the date faster and avoid all the back and forth games that go on. Now go change that profile!
What are men's fatal online dating errors? See them here
Fatal Online Dating Errors That Men Make
Many men feel they can just say anything in an email when they are trying to get a woman to go out with them. If they said those same things to a woman in a bar or on the street, they might get arrested, or at least slapped. But when they're hiding behind the secrecy of their computer, too many men get abrasive and crude.
Here's my list of 10 things NEVER to do when you're online trying to get a woman to go out with you. Some of these are obvious; some you'll swear I'm making up! But all of them are things men actually do.
Top 10 email turnoffs for women
1. Don't ask her how much she weighs or what her measurements are. You might as well just tell her you only want to sleep with her and you have no interest in getting to know her, because that's what she's going to think if you ask her this.
2. Don't email her seven times asking her why she hasn't responded to your first email. Women get far more email than men do, so you need to be patient.
“Instead of harassing her, relax and be confident that she's going to respond to you.”
Instead of harassing her, relax and be confident that she's going to respond to you.
3. Don't ask her how many other dates she's been on from Yahoo! Personals. How many other dates someone has been on is not important. What is important is finding out whether the two of you click when you hang out.
4. Don't send her a nasty email if she hasn't responded to you after several emails. It's her prerogative whether or not she desires to be in contact with you. If she doesn't want to meet you, why get angry and nasty? There are plenty of other women out there who you can contact.
5. Don't ask her if she wants to have sex with you on the second email exchange, and don't send her dirty pictures of you. Women are all about connecting with their minds. Just because you're looking for a quick fling, that doesn't mean she's going to respond.
6. If she gives you her phone number, don't wait a week to call her. By extension, if you do wait a week to call her and she doesn't call you back, don't be shocked. Women have many options online. If she gives you her phone number, I suggest calling her that day. It keeps the momentum going.
7. When asking for more pictures, do so without any references to "Can you please send me a picture so I can see your body?"
“Ask her if she'd like to exchange more pictures”
Ask her if she'd like to exchange more pictures, which means you send some and she sends some. Several women have complained to me that men ask them to send pictures of themselves in bikinis or other such things, so that men can see their body. Men, don't do this!
8. Don't get offended if she doesn't want to talk to you on the phone right away and/or wants to talk to you via email first to get to know you. You need to be flexible and open to her suggestions. Sometimes you may need to email back and forth for a week, and sometimes she'll give you her phone number right away. Either way, don't be rude.
9. Do not email-stalk her. Many of my clients who are single women have complained to me about men who will email them several times a day for three weeks, until they are forced to block emails from those men. Men, she got your email the very first time. She just may have chosen not to open it. By sending emails several times a day, not only are you turning her off, you're freaking her out! You've become an online stalker. That's a guarantee she'll never go out with you.
10. Don't send cut-and-paste emails. When connecting with her for the very first time, don't cut and paste an email message in July that you've been sending out for six months with a tagline that says, "I love the holidays." By doing that, she knows you didn't read her profile - and that you're really, really lazy!
What are women's fatal online dating errors? See them here
Behaviors in Dating That Scare Single Men Away
The truth is there are certain things that women can do that will scare men away. Don't sabotage a potentially great relationship that could have gone somewhere by scaring a man off right at the beginning.
Here are six dating behaviors guaranteed to scare men away:
1. Trash-talking your ex. Don't talk negatively about an ex-boyfriend in front of a guy you're dating. I don't care if you're on your first date or on your 15th date with a guy, don't ever trash-talk your ex. Your ex is somebody you dated, invited into your life, and with whom you spent a lot of time. So don't talk negatively about your ex in any way, because what a guy thinks when you do this is that if he ever becomes your ex that you're going to trash-talk him the same way. So, when a man asks you about your ex, you can politely say, "We are no longer together. It was a great relationship while it lasted, and I learned a lot." That's it.
2. Paranoia runs rampant. Here you are dating a man you really like, and the first couple of weeks are going well. Then, that first boys' night out happens. In the beginning, you send him a text that says, "Have a great time tonight!" As the night progresses, however, seeds of doubt start forming in your mind about what he's doing, and you start to think "Is he cheating on me? Is he flirting with other women? Where is he right now?" So then, you lob another text in to him asking "What's going on? What are you doing right now?" Even though he tells you he's just hanging out with his friends, you proceed to make a major blunder:
“You start checking up on him with continuous texts throughout the night. This paranoia will push a man away.”
You start checking up on him with continuous texts throughout the night. This paranoia will push a man away. So when you are dating a man and he's out with his friends, respect his "guy time" -- it will make you the cool woman he's always wanted to find.
3. Trash-talking other women. A huge mistake many women make is trash-talking other women in front of the man they're dating. For example, you are out with him when a woman walks by wearing a skimpy short skirt. You say, "Look how promiscuous that woman looks! I can't believe she is going around in public like that!" What you are doing when you make comments like this to a guy you're dating is telling him that you're not confident in the way you look. It tells him that you don't love who you are and haven't embraced your own body. You are planting a seed of doubt in him, causing him to wonder if he he should date someone else who is more confident (and tolerant). Don't trash-talk other women. It makes you look really insecure.
4. Fishing for compliments. This is something that can drive a man crazy. Here is a typical scenario: The guy you're dating looks at you and says, "You really look beautiful tonight!" Ten minutes later, you look at him and ask, "How do I look tonight?" Stop fishing for compliments. Real compliments come from the heart. Allow us to compliment you when we really mean it. If we don't give a compliment at the exact moment you desire it, just accept it and be OK with that.
5. Clingy and possessive. You don't need to do everything together. You're still getting to know him. If there are things he likes to do that simply don't interest you, be cool with it. You don't have to be joined at the hip. If you are going to a cocktail party together, you don't have to be next to him at every moment. If you see him speaking with some woman at the party, do not immediately run over and start grabbing his hand and giving him a big hug -- and certainly don't do this all night long. You are being clingy and possessive when you do this.
6. Pushing friends on him. Avoid pushing friends on us too soon. Example: A woman will hang out with a guy on the first or second date and say to him, "You have to meet my friends Jenna and Amy. You also have to meet my friends Phil and Anne; they're such a great couple, and you'll love them!" A man hears this and thinks, "I don't even know you yet. Can I get to know you for a month or two before I have to go meet all of your friends and be put on display as 'the boyfriend?'" We don't want to be "the boyfriend" right away. It's too much pressure. We want to get to know you slowly and learn what you're all about. Believe me, once we get to know you -- and like you -- we will be more willing to get to know all of your friends.
Following these tips will help you get past the first month of a new relationship with a man and avoid some of the major pitfalls that can end a new relationship before it even starts. Be the confident woman you really are so we have a chance to embrace you. Don't scare us off before we have a chance to get to know you!
Link Between Scent and Seduction
Your perfume pick can make him feel special.
"If you wear a fragrance you know he likes, it demonstrates that you're paying attention to his tastes and making an effort to please him," says Christopher Brosius, perfumer and founder of CB Limited in New York City. The easiest way to find a perfume he likes: Take him shopping with you. If you can't get him to a perfume counter, rip out a whole bunch of scent strips from a magazine and make him smell them one after the other to see which one he likes best. Give him a cup full of coffee grounds to sniff between whiffs to cleanse his olfactory system. Showing you care about his opinion will stroke his ego, and wearing a perfume he loves ensures he'll always want to nuzzle your neck.
His scent can help you decode his personality.
The cologne a guy wears sends a signal about what he's like and how he wants to be perceived by others, so pay attention to it to gain insight into his passions and deepen your connection with him. Psychologist and sociologist Joachim Mensing, PhD, identifies six male personality types and their preferred fragrances. Men who are uncomplicated and enterprising tend to go for fresh citrus, zesty, and herbaceous scents. Reflective loner types prefer warm, spicy, mysterious, Oriental notes. The supersocial spontaneous male likes light, cool, and invigorating scents; while a more reserved and sophisticated man is into warm, natural, woody fragrances. The suave metrosexual types gravitate toward colognes with leather and tobacco in them. Likewise, rugged noncomformist guys like leathery scents too but with a cooler edge.
His fragrance can make you feel first-kiss butterflies even after months of dating.
"Fragrance memories are a wonderful way of building bonds," says psychologist Carol Christensen, PhD, director of sensory and consumer science at International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc., in New York City. "Smelling a scent or elements of one that your boyfriend sported when you first met can flood your mind with memories and make you feel the same delirious way you did back then." If your guy doesn't wear cologne, help him pick one out to start making those memories now. A sure-to- be-sexy suggestion is musk. According to Christensen, women all over the world universally find it to be especially sensual. Some musky colognes we like: Burberry Brit for Men, $62; Jovan Heat Man Fired Up, $8; Spirit by Antonio Banderas, $30, and Kenneth Cole Reaction, $49. But if you're not a fan of musk, try Lauder Beyond Paradise Men, $39, a musk-free scent that's still ultraseductive.
Your scent can stir up your inner sexpot.
Research shows that fragrance can actually make a woman feel more confident and feminine. In a survey of 113 women, psychologist Rachel S. Herz, PhD, found that 90 percent of respondents in their 20s reported that fragrance made them feel more confident. Eighty-three percent of all respondents claimed fragrance made them feel more appealing to others, and a whopping 92 percent said it made them feel more feminine. Perfumer Sarah Horowitz-Thran of Creative Scentualization, a fragrance house in Los Angeles that specializes in custom creations, recommends you carefully select a scent you like instead of choosing something that's currently trendy or a friend's favorite. "Your best fragrance is one that makes you feel good about yourself," she says.
Certain aromas can help him recognize how hot you are.
One whiff of a woman's perfume (any feminine scent) can grab a guy's attention and raise his interest in her. And floral odors — especially rose, lily of the valley, and gardenia — lead men to remember events in an especially positive light, according to a study by the Human Emotions Lab at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. So if you wear a scent with one or more of these flowery notes on a date, chances are good that the night will linger in your guy's mind, making him eager to see you again as soon as possible. For nights when you want to be seriously seductive, wear yummy-sweet notes like pumpkin and vanilla. They actually can increase the blood flow to his sexual organs and boost his libido.
Four Things Never to Utter Around Him
Top 10 Relationship Tips
Sunday, 15 March 2009
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Monday, 16 February 2009
Dating Tricks For Women
Establishing eye acquaintance with your date will let him know
that you are listening. Although you're not absorbed in
his babbling, just attending beeline at him.
You'll know if would be the appropriate time to talk. Tell him
things about your wonderful self. Accomplish your stories long.
If it seems that he's not listening, maybe he is not really
interested in you.
Most men do not like silent girls. Other men do not like
very annoying and loud ones. A lot of men are picky, and that
is just the way they should be.
Don't be afraid of this fact. All you have to do is speak
out and he will apprehend you for sure. Don't be abashed to be
yourself while you're out on a date with him.
Be natural yet not exaggerated. Keeping bashful will make
you invisible to him. Loud mouthing will absolutely be annoying
for your date.
Sometimes, it's not a bad idea to accomplish the first move. If
you feel that your date is too shy, accomplish the first move. It
may advice him step up again yield over from there. Don't be
scared to yield risks and about-face it into opportunities!
Sometimes, a lot of men can't apprehend signs. They might just be
inexperienced or artlessly stupid. On the added hand, maybe
they're both.
They simply wish the woman to appear up and say a few magic
words. Now if you appear to like a man that obviously likes
you but cannot appear up with the appropriate words, accomplish the move
and try asking him out.
It won't hurt to try accomplishing the first move. After all, who
does the first move doesn't matter in times like these
since what affairs a lot of is for you to accurate what you
really feel for your date.
Dating Tip - Help Him
Your prince suddenly came up to you and asks you
out. This is a chance of a lifetime, so you said yes.
But how in the world would you know if the date would turn
out fine? You in fact wouldn't know unless it's over.
You notice that your prince charming is in fact ashamed on
your date. It looks like he had taken gallons of coffee
before the date.
It seems that long silence consistently gets amidst your
conversations. Prince charming again starts to accent like he
is going to faint. This would turn out to be a bad date
unless you try allowance him accession his words a little.
Maybe he just needs a little push that can provide him with
the assimilation that you appetite to accomplish this date a memorable one.
Usually, the age-old date involves traveling to movies, having
lunch, or spending barbecue with a lot of sharing. Dates like
these just accusation a little jump-start to be added effective.
Try suggesting some activities that blemish fun and
Let your prince charming appreceive that you are okay with him.
Try allowance him get to his words or disentangle his address for
your date.
Help him by cogent the accepting you want to do and the things
you appetite to try. Places you want to go or places you want
him to see would be complete able things to acclimatize your date if
you appetite to relaxing him up a bit and access fun on your date.
Help your date in conquering the limitations that separate
him from you. Help him breach the ice. After some time, he
may be starting to feel relax and loosen up a bit.
Afterwards, he could again start living up to your knight in
shining armor dreams.
Dating Tips For Women
There are women who abjure traveling out on dating adventures
with men, abnormally those who acquire bad ancient impressions
when it comes to dating.
For these women, achievement are some dating tips that may help:
1. Accessory adequate on your date.
Taking a array isn't enough. Wearing a nice accouterments that is
comfortable for you and able ill-fitted for your date is a good
factor in analytic and activity presentable. Use some perfume
or cologne to add up to your spice. Most men can't resist
asking women who accessory adequate on a ancient date for a second
2. Never be late.
Sometimes, it's acquire for women to be astern due to the
rituals circuitous if it comes to bathrobe up and wearing
makeup. It is able for men to adjournment for a bit aback this
helps men to acclimate for the date and allay up a little.
3. Be lady-like and respectable.
Let the men become gentlemen. Don't force them to be one.
If they ambition to attainable the breach for you, let them. If the
door is open, coulee through first. If they choose the chair
for you, accede them to do so and accede them for the manly
act. Keep in apperception to accede your date for every adventurous effort
he does in acclimation to assure him that you are acknowledging
him as a gentleman.
4. Offer to pay.
It is a admirable activity to admonition out on your dating
expenses. But if your date insists to pay for everything,
don't resist.
At the end of your date, let him crop you home safely. It
is up to you if you intend on giving him a goodnight kiss
as a approval for a job able done.
Good luck.